Further Observations on WTC1 Stairwell B
1. Did Pasquale Buzzelli Surf Down The “Collapse”—or Do Conflicting Reports Collapse the O.C.T.?2. Does the Revealed “Upward Wind” During “Collapse” Prove the Final “Cleaner Nuke”?
by The Anonymous Physicist
Pasquale Buzzelli is a structural engineer who was working for the Port Authority in the North Tower on 9/11. Genelle Guzman [McMillan is added now—due to subsequent marriage] was a co-worker of Buzzelli’s at that time. Both would be among only 20 alleged survivors of the “collapse” of the two towers. Curiously all 20 were in the North Tower. Buzzelli would become famous for claims that he, in effect, “surfed” down 22 floors during “collapse” as described here.
He was found ATOP the rubble pile, and taken to safety, at least three hours after the “collapse.” Guzman-McMillan, who started out with Buzzelli on the 64th floor, would become famous as the last person rescued alive from beneath the rubble, about 24 hours after the “collapse.”
However, Guzman-McMillan’s description of events leads to the collapse of credibility of Buzzelli. As archived here, Guzman-McMillan states that she was on the 13th—not 22nd—floor just before the “Collapse” began; and that Buzzelli was BELOW her. She states that Buzzelli was below her as he led a group of people (including her) down. She does not know, at that point in time, how far below her he was. So this could be but half a flight of stairs, or several flights. But Buzzelli, and his fellow claimants thus lose AT LEAST nine flights of “collapse surfing” from Guzman-McMillan’s account. Also please consider the possible implications in the differences in how they were found. Guzman-McMillan was buried BENEATH some rubble, while Buzzelli was ATOP the rubble pile. Curiously Guzman-McMillan also relates pressure from the Port Authority on its reported orders to Tower workers to stay put after the “plane hits.” The article above states, “On instructions from the Port Authority, McMillan declines to discuss why she stayed [initially].”
Guzman-McMillan “felt hot” while awaiting rescue. Reports from the 12 firemen who survived in Stairwell B also have them saying they felt heat in the Stairwell even when initially climbing up. (This fits with my articles on the early sub-basement nuke’s thermal rays that affected many people, including Felipe David.) Indeed I might say that the following report from Rick Cushman is the very first report of what I have lengthily described as the China Syndrome Aftermath. See this blog: wtc-chinasyndrome.blogspot.com. Now Rick Cushman was a marketing manager and National Guardsman from Saugus, MA. He rushed to Ground Zero from Massachusetts. For 12 hours he searched for survivors in the rubble. “But he had not seen any — only pieces of bodies. Beneath his boots, heat billowed up through the web of steel.” Then Cushman heard Guzman-McMillan’s shouts and directed rescuers to her.
Now this article reveals numerous things. Despite the fact that there was likely a large number of people going down Stairwell B at the moment of collapse— as there were only three stairwells in each tower— people survived only at a few locations along Stairwell B. There are several possibilities, according to my many small nukes hypothesis. As previously hypothesized here, there could have been several failed or fizzled nukes. Or there is the possibility, that at certain intervals, those who were in an effective nodal region— between nukes—may have survived, at least initially.
Now Stairwell B contained 14 survivors— including 12 firefighters— who survived the tower’s final destruction. Two others— Buzzelli and Guzman-McMillan— were on Stairwell B at the onset of “collapse,” but were found elsewhere in the rubble pile. And four others were found in the underground Mall. (This includes the two Port Authority policemen depicted in the Oliver Stone movie.) Again it appears that the South Tower’s “collapse” curiously did not have any such survivors. Now the New York Magazine article indicates again that some of these Stairwell B surviving firemen surmised that they survived a nuclear attack: “[Captain] Jonas and his men, finally freed from their stairwell, looked around at fires and flattened buildings. They thought they were witnessing a nuclear attack.” My articles on the nuclear destruction of the WTC have detailed how many firefighters surmised this. Why? Firefighters are well familiar with heat from fire, but if they feel great heat on their skin and they are nowhere near a fire, they know something very different is going on! Readers of my articles, and of this blog by Spooked, and his 33 blog here can also see the involvement of the PTB, when the article states “When Buzzelli called at 3:30 everything changed, though not as she’d expected. Soon, she’d know that he’d somehow landed safely in the midst of acres of destruction, a lone soul dropped to safety on a concrete slab…”
The New York Magazine article has other quizzical matters, and should be read in its entirety. There is the matter of the 12th Floor as depicted here. “Jonas picked up a Mayday from the lieutenant of Ladder Five, who reported that he was in Stairwell B on the 12th floor. Jonas had passed him on the way down, helping a civilian. “I’m trapped and I’m hurt bad,” he said. Jonas, who was on the fourth floor, tried to climb the stairs but couldn’t ascend more than a floor, and in any case, as he’d later learn, the stairwell had no 12th floor. “I’m sorry, I can’t help you,” he radioed back.”
The highest-ranking officer on Stairwell B was Chief Richard Picciotto. He later wrote a book, as the article continues: “Picciotto’s Last Man Down became a best-seller. It would also end his friendship with Jonas—“It’s a very bad book,” says Jonas— and whatever camaraderie he shared that day with the others from Ladder Six. “We don’t speak to him,” says Komorowski. “Liar,” Butler wrote in his copy of the book.”
““It was part of my personality to take charge of a situation,” Picciotto writes. “I’d never been the type to sit idly by while someone else called the shots, and I wasn’t about to start now…Picciotto was the highest-ranking guy, but he was not the commanding officer. He was doing nothing. He was balled up in a corner,” says Jonas.”
Picciotto’s book says he was on the 7th Floor when the North Tower “collapsed.” These articles indicate that the extant height of Stairwell B, after tower destruction, was five flights. And this should be kept in mind when researching where people were at the moment destruction began, and where they ended up. It appears that each flight had two levels of standard zigzag stairs as depicted here. We must keep in mind that anyone being blasted on the stairwell, but remaining in the stairwell, would have been blasted in a straight line, and shouldn’t have been blasted more than a flight of stairs. This is different from those—like Buzzelli and Guzman-McMillan— who were apparently blasted OUT of the stairwell, at some point, during the tower’s destruction.
(And, of course, the stairwell above the fifth floor may have been vaporized, or otherwise destroyed.) With Guzman-McMillan ending up buried under some rubble, and Buzzelli atop the rubble. I also note that there appears to be no pictures that show the very TOP of the extant five-floor Stairwell B section. Could this be because the top contains obvious indications of the great (nuclear) heat of tower destruction? Have these photos been cropped, as many photos were in the Kennedy Assassination? I was the first to note the similarity of the remnant of Stairwell B, and the remnant of the tower from the fizzled Upshot-Knothole Ruth nuclear fission bomb test of 3/31/53. At least the bottom third of the bomb’s tower remained because the nuke had fizzled—it had a yield about 1/15th of what was expected. See here:

Note the date has a 33. The tops of the Ruth test tower and Stairwell B have some similarities as I indicated to Spooked, and as he has in his article at his blog here on 3/12/09. The tops indicate some steel has melted and twisted downward.
Finally, I cite the book, Report from Ground Zero: The Story of the Rescue Efforts at the World Trade Center by Dennis Smith [not read by me]. In particular I cite this review by Sterling D. Allan, an apparent alternative energy expert. After reading that book, and Stairwell B’s survivors’ accounts, Allan reveals, “a cohesive conclusion: A POWERFUL WIND WAS GOING UP THE STAIRS AS THE BUILDING WAS COLLAPSING DOWN. This would seem to refute the official pancake theory of collapse in which one floor after another fails as the mass from above comes down.”
Allan includes this familiar hypothesis, “One possible explanation for these survivors, in the demolition model, is that explosives that were placed in the vicinity of this stairwell section failed to go off.” Allan however appears to only consider non-nuclear matters, but his review is dated in 2006, before my articles, and that of others, on the nuclear destruction of the WTC appeared.
But I conclude with the question—does the now-revealed UPWARD WIND, of final tower destruction, indicate a nuclear blast from the ground, or perhaps more likely from the basement? Is this upward wind another indication of the final cleaner nuke that I have written about for several years now? As I have written, this final cleaner nuke may also have been seen as the so-called “nuclear glow” that TV cameras panned AWAY FROM while purporting to show what was happening at the WTC.
So-- we have seen now that “surfing the collapse” is not as the regime wishes to have it depicted. Many floors of “surfing” are missing, and ending up atop the rubble— with a huge building “collapsing” on top of you— is incredulous. Also we see that firemen’s accounts of the upward wind of final collapse fits well with my nuclear destruction scenario, but it impossible with the OCT, as there would be no wind until the pancaking floors hit that level, and that would have been a downward wind.

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